Tatra enthusiast Svend Carstensen opens the show

Tatras on show in DK Tatras from Danish and a Dutch owner were show put on show in Danmark recently. A T12, T 57a, T 87, T 600T 603, T 613 and a T 700 were all present. Interesting is the wandering of the Tatraplan. Originally sold in Belgium, then collected by the well-known Ivan Mahy, then sold to the Dutch Autotron Museum and finally auctioned in the UK and now somehow in DK. http://www.mzv.cz/wwwo/default.asp?id=45562&ido=17840&idj=1&amb=39 http://www.tatraportal.sk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2188&highlight=613 More info and pre-applicationform www.tatraclub.at