T 148 returns in Czech retro trend

Czech producer Dino Toys plans  a come-back next season of the plastic Tatra 148, the famous sandbox toy.

T148Toy2013The company presented the Dino Toys at Toy Fair Toys and Games For 2013 Letňanech large plastic truck Tatra, with which the Company intends to conquer the playground. Orange Tatra 148 model was one of the indispensable components sandboxes eighties of the last century due to its robustness served not only rides on the sand, but also the children themselves.
manufacturer is seeking to meet the demand of today’s parents nostalgic for toys from the time of their adolescence. Recently, a similar company Efko managed to resuscitate plastic dolls sold under the name Igráček and the like of nostalgia for many years benefited more Czech toy maker company Mercury. Also manufacturer of inflatable products company Fatra trying to market return series of designer toys from the 70s.